This is an 18 hole Scratch event. It is open to Amateur members of Derbyshire Clubs affiliated to DCGL . All must have a Club Handicap Index of not more than 7 at closing date of entry. Competitors will play in the competition from their playing handicap as at the day of the event unless this increases their handicap above the maximum for the event (they will play off 7 handicap)
THE HENRIQUES CUP : Will be held by the winner (Scratch) for twelve months. The winner of the Henriques Cup must be under 25 years of age on the day of the competition and must not have been awarded his County Colours. In the event of a tie the Cup will be held jointly. The prizes will be decided on a card play off decided over the last 18,9.6,3,2 or 1 holes in that order.
THE LEO FEENEY MEMORIAL TROPHY : Will be open to players not eligible to compete for the Henriques Cup. The Trophy will be held by the winner (Scratch) for twelve months. In the event of a tie the Cup will be held jointly. The prizes will be decided on a card play off decided over the last 18,9.6,3,2 or 1 holes in that order. There will be other Gross and Net prizes.
Entries limited to 60.
ENTRY FEE - £25.00
The contact for this competition is Richard Wheeldon